Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bi-weekly Log Update

10/6/10 - This week, I have been trying to catch up and make small changes to little details in my background information, testing procedures, and alternative solutions. I have also been working on a design matrix for the dock layout solutions. That needs to be posted as soon as possible. Also, another set of solutions regarding the dock installtion must be developed and posted, along with a design matrix for that. I am waiting to hear from the team member who is designing the dock whether the fueling dock will be stationary or floating before I create the installation solutions. There is no need to create a set of solutions for the installation of pipes on a type of dock that will not even be used, so that is causing me to be a bit behind the ball.


  1. 10/9/10 - At this point in time I have emailed a company about their methods of installing fueling systems and if there are any additional regulations. Also, I am trying to find another mentor so I will have a plethora of contacts for the marking period. I am refining my testing procedures and rationale and the final posts should be up by next week.

  2. 10/13/10 - This weekend, I recieved a PDF file from the petroleum company I contacted which layed out the installtion process of fueling systems. There are testing procedures that were included so I will be posting those as a separate portion of my project at sometime. Yesterday I met with my instructor and I cleared some aspects of my project up. I am not going to have to deal with the installation details of the fueling system and focus more on the layout. If this marina design becomes actual, I will have the ability to hire a company who specializes in the installtion of the entire fueling system. All I have to do is tell them where they should place everything, also known as designing the layout. Also yesterday, the head engineers held a team meeting so not as much documentation as I would have liked to be worked on was done so. Today's focus has been gathering my additional mentor information, touching up testing procedures, and starting to lay out the developmental work that needs to be done.

  3. 10/22/10 - I have missed class most days this week, so I am getting further behind. I have been plugging away at my testing procedures, rationale, and developmental work when I can. I am having a lot of confusion with what exactly I have to draw on AutoCAD due to the fact that I believe that I am only capable of developing a 2-D drawing. I am having trouble with figuring out what the extent of my project is. It also does not help that a lot of things keep changing. keeps changing

  4. 10/26/10 - New dimensions were assigned to me for my fuel dock layout early in the previous week. I have made changes to the secifications by posting an additional comment to the specs/lims post.
    I have not been in class much, but I have finally completed testing procedures. If things go as planned, I will have a model completed by friday and developmental work will be on its way.

  5. 11/8/10 - A lot has happen since I have last logged with the progress of my project. I have created a model for my final solution and presented the whereabouts of where I am in the process of my project. The end of the marking period has come to a close, but I am still catching up on some of the documentation from the previous marking period. My rationale is going to be posted shortly and everything will be edited on my blog little by little.
